Secuvy Platform

Automated, accurate data security, privacy, and governance with self-learning AI


Secuvy’s cloud-native, Secuvy Platform is purpose-built to transform data security, privacy, and compliance strategies for today’s modern enterprise.

Unlike legacy data privacy and security solutions, Secuvy uses deep-learning, AI neural net models to auto-discover and classify data across multiple dimensions of privacy, security, and legal contexts.  With the exponential rise in unstructured data, enterprises require a data observability approach to get real-time visibility into changes and trends in their corporate data.

Secuvy Platform Includes

Data Discovery

Look beyond metadata and uncover actionable insights with self-learning AI.

Data Classification (AutoML)

Data Governance
Data at Rest, DLP (Policy Engine)

Automate data inventory and mapping to strengthen your data governance program.

Data Security, Privacy, and Governance Use Cases

Data Discovery & Asset Inventory

Reduce time and effort to comply with DSRs, including data deletion from weeks and months to hours with unparalleled accuracy

Entity Resolution

Data Breach Mitigation

Data Discovery & Asset Inventory

Reduce time and effort to comply with DSRs, including data deletion from weeks and months to hours with unparalleled accuracy

Entity Resolution

Data Breach Mitigation

Data Discovery & Asset Inventory

Reduce time and effort to comply with DSRs, including data deletion from weeks and months to hours with unparalleled accuracy

Data Usage

“We were up and running with Secuvy in a matter of a few hours. Their radical approach to automate Data Privacy and Security workflows has reduced our project from months to hours.”

Privacy Program Manager, Fortune 1000 Company

“Data Privacy is changing how businesses are run. We need to comply with new and evolving privacy regulations. Secuvy is a technically smart solution which keeps us on track.”

Head of Global Legal & Compliance, Martech Company

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The platform’s AI recommendation engine cuts through the noise to automatically find new PII/PHI and provide alerts with unprecedented accuracy.

Competitive advantage

  • Other solutions provide static signature, Regex, or rule-based data scanning. Secuvy provides self-learning AI to find, correlate, and remediate sensitive data offering a more accurate, thorough approach.