Contextual Data Discovery

Find, classify and correlate any data from any source.


Complete Visibility into your entire data ecosystem.

Secuvy’s unified data privacy compliance and data protection platform detects various data types, including PII/PHI, sensitive, regulated, financial, and IP data in an organization’s data landscape. Secuvy’s self-learning AI learns data patterns, detects relationships, and autonomously tags data, creating a dynamic data map as environments change and grow.

Complete Coverage

Our data discovery platform efficiently identifies structured and unstructured data on-premises and in the cloud, including PII and PHI in a full range of data sources. The platform offers multi-mode coverage for data changes in hybrid, multi-cloud, and on-premises systems. 

Contextual Data Intelligence

Secuvy’s platform offers data mapping by effortlessly connecting data attributes, which creates a thorough inventory and organizational map. 

Complete Visibility and Control

Our contextual data discovery platform offers visualized personal data risk reports. Secuvy automates data sprawl prevention, policy enforcement, and compliance demonstration.

Automatically Detect Data Anomalies and Risks in Real Time

Secuvy Platform alerts users on anomalies and internal/external data sharing. Secuvy tracks sensitive data spikes, notifies with incident reports, and provides data risk trend indicators.

Why Secuvy?

Accuracy | Speed | ROI

Automatically Catalog Data

Discover, catalog, and secure all data attributes and metadata across all sources, throughout your infrastructure: cloud, hybrid, and on prem.

Improve Data Risk Management

Gain in-depth insights into risky data and suspicious access. Discover and regain control over dark or abandoned data.

Locate & Map Sensitive Data

Automate the discovery and correlation of all your data. Go deeper than other scan technologies leveraging self-learning AI. Graphs are constantly updated on each new entity and data input.

Correlate Relationships

View interconnected data attributes, their relationships with each other and your data subjects within single pane of glass.

Self-learning AI for Data Discovery within Large Language Models

The Secuvy Platform creates a multi-dimensional metagraph for each individual.  The metagraph is based on contextual data attributes such as residency, age, purpose of use, freshness, and overall security and privacy risks. 

The Secuvy UserGraph provides correlations, lineage, and context for any data, and is constantly auto-updating based on self-learning AI.

“Data Privacy is changing how businesses are run. We need to comply with new and evolving privacy regulations. Secuvy is a technically smart solution which keeps us on track.”

Head of Global Legal & Compliance, Martech Company

Ready to see Secuvy in Action?

The Secuvy Platform cuts through the noise to automatically find new PII/PHI and provide alerts with unprecedented accuracy.