Data Discovery

GDPR, CCPA and other global privacy regulations require businesses to disclose all personal data associated with an individual upon request. Businesses are required to respond to Data Subject Rights (DSAR) requests within a specific time period.


If businesses are unable to provide complete and accurate details about personal data held in all their systems within a specific time period they can be subject to financial penalties.



Complex Workflow

Since personal data is distributed across hundreds of data systems & applications managed by various stakeholders, coordinating & collaborating on DSARs requests 
is complex and time-consuming.

Manual & Inefficient

Searching for personal data across hundreds of systems is error-prone, labor intensive, and costly.

Increased data sprawl

When processing DSARs, organizations collect & track personal data using spreadsheets and documents shared over
emails & other messaging platforms increasing data sprawl and privacy risks.

Step 1

Create templates to publish forms on your website to collect data

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Step 2

Sites send your personal data to you

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Step 3

Request personal data from sites via DSAR

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Step 1

Receive the Report

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  • Consectetur adipiscing
  • Emit sed do eiusmod


Reduce Costs & Efforts

AI driven Workflows drastically reduces the costs, efforts and errors to identify personal data 
and process DSARs.

Ensure Compliance

Reduce risk of fines and penalties with accurate and timely response to DSAR requests & maintain an audit trail for compliance.

Improve User Trust

Expedited and accurate fulfillment of DSARs enhances user trust 
and their experience with your business brand.

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