The Alternative to BigID

Secuvy Data Protection & Privacy Compliance

Intelligent Data Protection & Privacy Operations for Your On-Prem, Hybrid-Cloud and Multi-Cloud Data Stores

Achieve continuous visibility into all personal and sensitive data in your environment with the greatest accuracy, unparalleled speed, and the lowest cost. Secuvy’s low-touch self-learning AI enables you to:


Critical Capabilities for Automated Privacy Automation and Risk Management

Critical Capability

Secuvy AI competitive differentiation

Self orchestrated comprehensive and automated data discovery and classification across on-prem, multi-cloud and hybrid cloud data stores

More than 400 connectors to data stores across on-prem, public cloud storage (AWS, GCP, Azure) and public cloud databases, data warehouses, ITSM, identity and search services

Up to 99.9% accurate AI-based classification and data correlation

Contextual data discovery and data lineage
Live Data Lineage and Data Maps
Branded privacy portal for managing privacy preferences, consent, and governance workflows
Intelligent DSAR (Data Subject Access Request) Workflow Automation
Orchestrate User Consent and Comprehensive Privacy Rights Fulfillments
AI-driven Configurable Risk Assessments and DPIA Automation
Integration with 3rd party systems for privacy orchestration
Unified and Smart Data Deletion Workflow Automation

Low touch platform with cost and operational efficiencies

Ready to see Secuvy in Action?

The Secuvy Platform cuts through the noise to automatically find new PII/PHI and provide alerts with unprecedented accuracy.